Friday, July 16, 2010


we usually take a pictures in our dormitory.
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I went to Berea last weekend.
there was a puppy in there.
so I touched him and hug.
so cute!!!! and he likes me!!
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I like shopping.
this picture was taken in richmondmall.
I love that place!!!
I want to go again!!!
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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

korean art

KOREAN PAINTING – Prehistory to the late 19th Century

Although Korean painting is not well known in the west, it has held an important place in Korea from a very early date. One of the difficulties in studying Korean art is that conflict which has been so much a feature of life on the Korean peninsula through the ages has destroyed so much of what certainly existed in prior periods. Additionally, invasion and conquest has resulted in much of the best of what remained after battle being removed to other countries where it is more difficult to study and relate it to other Korean developments.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My auto biography.

My name is Shinwon Hwang or you can call me Lena.
I was born in seoul South korea and I grew up in Seong nam Kyung ki do Korea.
And I live in suji yong in kyung gi do korea.
My birthday is 26/03/1989.
I have 4 members of family there is my father,mother,10years younger sister and me.
I'm a outgoing and easy going person.
I'm graduated Suji high shcool and now I'm a student of a DHU.
My major is a depertment of herbal bio technology so I learn about herbal things,
biology, medical term and so on.
And my dream is a flight attendent because I've always wanted it!!!
So Im study hard english and excercise.
I hope my dreams come true. ^^

my home town.

크게 보기

Monday, July 12, 2010

4th of july

4th of july

Independence Day, commonly known as July 4th or the Fourth of July, commemorates the Continental Congress’ adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The document, primarily written by Thomas Jefferson, served as a formal announcement that the 13 American colonies were no longer part of the British Empire and would henceforth be free and independent states. Regarded as the birthday of the United States of America, the day is typically celebrated with parades, fireworks, ceremonies, barbecues and family gatherings

History on my birthday.

1.Mar 26, 1979:
Israel-Egyptian peace agreement signed
In a ceremony at the White House, Egyptian President Anwar el-Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin sign a historic peace agreement, ending three decades of hostilities between Egypt and Israel and establishing diplomatic and commercial ties.
Less than two years earlier, in an unprecedented move for an Arab leader, Sadat traveled to Jerusalem, Israel, to seek a permanent peace settlement with Egypt's Jewish neighbor after decades of conflict. Sadat's visit, in which he met with Begin and spoke before Israel's parliament, was met with outrage in most of the Arab world. Despite criticism from Egypt's regional allies, Sadat continued to pursue peace with Begin, and in September 1978 the two leaders met again in the United States, where they negotiated an agreement with U.S. President Jimmy Carter at Camp David, Maryland. The Camp David Accords, the first peace agreement between the state of Israel and one of its Arab neighbors, laid the groundwork for diplomatic and commercial relations. Seven months later, a formal peace treaty was signed.
For their achievement, Sadat and Begin were jointly awarded the 1978 Nobel Prize for Peace. Sadat's peace efforts were not so highly acclaimed in the Arab world--Egypt was suspended from the Arab League, and on October 6, 1981, Muslim extremists assassinated Sadat in Cairo. Nevertheless, the peace process continued without Sadat, and in 1982 Egypt formally established diplomatic relations with Israel.

2.Mar 26, 1864:
McPherson takes over the Army of the Tennessee

General James B. McPherson assumes command of the Union Army of the Tennessee after William T. Sherman is elevated to commander of the Division of the Mississippi, the overall leader in the West.
McPherson was born in Ohio in 1828. He graduated first in his class from West Point in 1853. He joined the engineering corps as a second lieutenant, and he spent the prewar years in New York City and Alcatraz Island in California. When the war began, McPherson was transferred to the East and promoted to captain. He was disappointed when he was assigned to command the forts of Boston Harbor, as the young officer yearned for combat. McPherson contacted General Henry Halleck, commander of the Department of the Missouri and a former acquaintance in California. Halleck summoned him to St. Louis, where McPherson helped set up recruiting stations and inspecting defenses in the state.
McPherson was transferred to General Ulysses S. Grant's command on February 1, 1862, just as Grant was launching an expedition against Forts Henry and Donelson in Tennessee. McPherson's work in analyzing the defenses of Fort Donelson earned him the respect of Grant, and McPherson's star rose rapidly after the Battle of Shiloh. McPherson fought with distinction, and he was promoted to colonel. Two weeks later, he became a brigadier general. After his actions at the Battle of Corinth, Mississippi, in October 1862, McPherson was again promoted, this time to major general. In December, he capped an amazing year by taking command of the XVII Corps in Grant's Army of the Tennessee.
McPherson served as corps commander throughout 1863, ably leading his men at Vicksburg and Chattanooga. Grant's promotion to general-in-chief of all Union forces created a chain reaction of promotions. Grant left for Washington and Sherman assumed command in the West while McPherson inherited the Army of the Tennessee. This force was not an independent command, as it was one of three armies under Sherman's command during the Atlanta campaign of 1864. When the campaign reached Atlanta in July 1864 after three hard months of fighting, McPherson was charged with attacking Confederate forces on the northeast side of Atlanta. At the Battle of Peachtree Creek on July 22, McPherson was directing operations when he and his staff emerged from a grove of trees directly in front of the Confederate line. They were ordered to surrender but McPherson turned his horse and attempted to escape. He was mortally wounded, becoming the highest-ranking Union general killed in the war.

3.Mar 26, 1969:
Antiwar demonstration in Washington
A group called Women Strike for Peace demonstrate in Washington, D.C., in the first large antiwar demonstration since President Richard Nixon's inauguration in January. The antiwar movement had initially given Nixon a chance to make good on his campaign promises to end the war in Vietnam. However, it became increasingly clear that Nixon had no quick solution. As the fighting dragged on, antiwar sentiment against the president and his handling of the war mounted steadily during his term in office.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

my favorite movie.

There are many kinds of movies.
But I like action type movies best.
the reason why, my caracter is outgoing and active I thougt!!
and magan fox is so beautiful , and many robots in there so and cool!!!( optimusprime)
so I saw all series of transformer!! ^^
and I expected to series of 3!!!!
A youth chooses manhood. The week Sam Witwicky starts college, the Decepticons make trouble in Shanghai. A presidential envoy believes it's because the Autobots are around; he wants them gone. He's wrong: the Decepticons need access to Sam's mind to see some glyphs imprinted there that will lead them to a fragile object that, when inserted in an alien machine hidden in Egypt for centuries, will give them the power to blow out the sun. Sam, his girlfriend Mikaela, and Sam's parents are in danger. Optimus Prime and Bumblebee are Sam's principal protectors.
If one of them goes down, what becomes of Sam?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Fishing is a catch fish.
I know, there are many kind of fishing.
Ma fathere enjoy fidhing,
I love fishing too.
But I don’t now hou to fish.
So I want to someone tetch me.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Daegu Haany Reading and Writing: Korean Recipes

Daegu Haany Reading and Writing: Korean Recipes: "Hello everyone! Please post your recipes for Korean food as a comment to this message. Soon, I'll make you all contributors to this blog s..."


before 1 month ago, my boyfriend and I wint to Palgong mountin.
palgog mount is located at dae-gu.
we often go there .
the reason why we are doing exersise and to breathe fresh air.
and after climbing, we always visit koreans restaurant.
In there we eat kal-guk-su and bu-chim-gae.
that is always delicious. ^^
so I recommend you go Palgong mount.


and at the horse park, I kicked horse.
Keith took a picture for me.


yesterday, we went to Kentucky horse park.
I saw many kind of horses but I thougth, arab horse is most beautiful.
so i took a picture with arab horse.
Isnt it beautiful????
not me!!!! Arab horse!!


we pictured at art museum.


We took a picture at the art museum.
we describe that picture as same.
we had fun time there. ^^

at the art museum

I visited art museum last saturday.
I was taken pictured by chaerun.
that stairs was cool.